____________________________________________________________________________ \__________________________________________________________________________/ Channel X BBS +44 (0)181 943 5187 is the home of... .-----------------------------------------------------------------------. | _ _ __ __ __ | | / \_/ \ /_/ / / _/ /_ | | / \__/ /__ ______ ______ __ __ / /___ __ __ / __/______ | | / / / // / / __ / / __ / \ \/ // __ / \ \/ / / / / ____/ | | / / / // /_ / /_/ / / /_/ / \ // /_/ / \ / / /_ / __/_ | | /_/ /_//___/ _\__ / _\__ / / //_____/ / / /___//_____/ | | /_____/ /_____/ /_/ /_/ | | | `-----------------------------------------------------------------------' The Amiga disk magazine, from Channel X all issues are online and FREE downloads. If you have access to the internet then why not take a look at the official homepage on- http://www.pickled.demon.co.uk Miggybyte is published bi-monthly and contains all the latest news on the Amiga plus reviews, jokes and many other bits of information. Why not take a look, after all its FREE! Thank you, Ben Gaunt (Editor: Miggybyte)